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   SCMC, Inc.

About SCMC, Inc.
It has always been the policy of SCMC to place the client first. We have always regarded ourselves as an extension of the Client, both in terms of responsibility for the Project and concern for the Final Product. The long-term implications of every action in the field are carefully considered in relation to their impact to the Owner. The role of the CM/PM dictates that he acts as an extension of the Owner – an Owner’s Representative – and adherence to this policy provides the Owner the assurance that all actions are in their best interest in purest form.

From 1998 to 2001, Mr. Schober provided exclusive Construction Management services to the Rio Hondo Community College District [RHCCD]. Over one hundred projects [thirty different formal Bid Package projects] were completed from October 1998 through October 2001, including renovation of most of the campus buildings, upgrade of the underground 4160 volt electrical distribution system, and the Library Building Renovation from various funding sources, including FEMA, scheduled and deferred maintenance, Federal Hazardous Mitigation Funds, and District funds. He was also responsible for securing the funding for each individual projects, coordinating all payments, and reconciling all closeout funding and documentation with the District’s Accounting Department, in addition to the normal CM duties.

From 2000 through the present, first Schober Construction, then SCMC, Incorporated has exclusively provided PM/CM services to the San Marino Unified School District in support of their local construction bond issues and other construction projects. Initially hired as a Construction Consultant in 2000, complete Project Management duties were assumed following the resignation of the previous firm. As the responsible project manager, a variety of services and projects have been undertaken, including IOR RFP’s, joint City/School District construction projects, and regular School Board and Oversight Committee Presentations and Updates, both oral and written. In conjunction with six different Design Firms, nearly thirty major projects, and literally dozens of minor projects, were assessed, planned, designed, bid, and completed with SCMC, Incorporated as the Project Management firm.

Mr. Schober personally prepared all scopes of work and work procedures for every project designed and bid, including Haz-Mat Remediation and Multiple Prime and Single Prime Scopes of Work Packages, within the District 2001-present. At times, more sixty individual Prime contractors were performing work under our direct supervision at three different sites. Management at that level is only possible when the PM understands the “Master Plan” in its entirety and this understanding only comes when the Project Manager provides the personalized service that every Client expects but few receive.

From 2004 to the present, SCMC has served as the exclusive provider of Owner’s Representative Services to the Pasadena Unified School District. In that capacity, literally hundreds of projects were completed. Approximately thirty projects were designed, bid, managed, and closed out by SCMC alone, without the benefit of Design Professional assistance. Mr. Schober functioned as the liaison between Purchasing, Accounting and the Facilities department during that time and was the sole assistant to the Chief of Facilities in formulating, passing and then programming the $350 million Measure TT Bond measure.

Management of the construction activities of all projects was performed without the benefit of clerical assistance, regular updates were made to the Facilities Sub-Committee of the Board and to the COC, and Mr. Schober was responsible for the District’s adoption of the CUPCCAA procedures (Public Contract Code 22000 –22045) and implementation. Approximately $40 million in construction was completed during this time.
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